Since 2012, NIOSH has recognized September 5 as N95 Day, a day to bring awareness to the importance of respiratory protection, specifically N95s. This year, NIOSH is doing something different. #100yrsRespirators
One century ago, the U.S. Department of Mines initiated the first respirator certification program in the U.S. Today, NPPTL carries out research, testing and related activities aimed at protecting workers through PPE. Therefore, as NIOSH recognizes this important milestone, this event is an opportunity to expand N95 Day into a more inclusive observance to occur annually the first week of September.
This September 3-6 ISRP and NIOSH are celebrating the first annual Respiratory Protection Week. This year’s observance will recognize the history of respiratory protection as well as the research and standards work that is happening to protect workers both today and in the future.
Visit NIOSH NPPTL to learn more and take part.
Read about the history of respirators in the Journal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection Open Access article series by Spelce et al.
Spelce, JISRP 34 No. 2, 2017, Pre-World War I Firefighter Respirators
Spelce, JISRP 35 No. 1, 2018, History of U.S. Respirator Approval
Spelce, JISRP 35 No. 2, 2018, History of U.S Respirator Approval Continued