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Newsletter – July 2022

22nd July 2022

1. 2022 European Section Webinars and Seminars

This year’s European Section online webinars are to be held in September (Basics), October (Silica), November (Welding) and December (Asbestos). The September webinar will be held on the 22nd of September with a 2 UK start time with the following speakers:

  1. Dr Jan Schumacher – Respiratory physiology – How and why humans breathe? Guys and St Thomas NHS Hospital Trust, United Kingdom
  2. Dr Eva Dickson – Fundamentals of Filtering RPDs (Powered & Non-Powered) Defence Scientist, Royal Military College of Canada and ISRP President
  3. Radha Krishnan – Types of RPD -Breathing Apparatus (BA) Segment Marketing Manager, IND SAR and APR. MSA

We have a slot in each webinar for a member to present an “Introducing myself/my company” piece. This is designed to replace the face-to-face chat that would take place at normal meetings. Just let the Secretary know if you wish to take advantage of this.

2. Section AGM

There will be an online AGM, which we intend to hold with the September webinar. Details of the exact time will follow.

3. By-laws

David Crouch and I have been reviewing our by-laws. These were last revised in 2011. I am circulating our proposals for your consideration with this newsletter together with the previous version for comparison. These have to be with the members for 60 days before they are finally submitted for approval (or otherwise) by the membership. I would like any corrections or possible changes to be sent to the Secretary before the AGM so that we can cover them as an agenda item.

Dave Crouch at
Chair isrp European Section
Mike Williams at
Secretary isrp European Section

July 21st 2022 [note – there was no June Newsletter]

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