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Instructions for Presenters

Mountain Goat

19th International Conference
Instructions for Presenters

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The Planning Committee for the 19th International Conference of ISRP has closed the call for papers and posters.
We recognize that the call for papers for ISRP 2018 has closed earlier than is typical for an ISRP conference.  This was done to encourage earlier submissions and publish a preliminary agenda in the summer to allow prospective attendees to determine their interest in the technical content. 
Our program of presentations and posters is currently full.  The technical committee will not accept any further submissions and you will not get a reply if any abstracts are submitted.
The Conference home page will be updated and accepted paper and poster abstracts will be displayed on the Program page. 
The requirements for presentations are as follows:
  1. Platform presentations are allocated 20 minutes including discussion time.
  2. Slide presentations should be created in Microsoft PowerPoint (2013). If the software used in your slide preparation is other than the 2013 version, please verify in advance that your slides operate normally using the Microsoft Power Point (2013) version. The slide resolution should be 16 x 9, if possible.
  3. Posters will be mounted on boards that are 48” by 96”.
  4. The official language for presentations, both platform and poster is English. The slides and posters should be prepared in English.
  5. All abstracts will be published in English.

Requests for the Presenters

Presenters who use the slides for their presentations should submit the electronic file in Microsoft PowerPoint to the Technical Manager by August 15, 2018. Your file should be named with your name and acceptance number.

Posters will be displayed during the entire conference in the foyer.  The presenters of the poster presentations are asked to have their posters in place before 12:00 noon on Monday, September 17, 2018 and to stay near the poster to answer questions during the designated poster session time of 10:50 AM until 12:10 PM on Tuesday, September 18, 2018.

Questions can be directed to the Technical manager by e-mail.