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European Community Face Covering Standards

List of European organizations developing or having recently published community face covering standards.

France: AFNOR SPEC S76-001 Barrier Masks

Spain: Especificación UNE 0065 Mascarillas higiénicas reutilizables para adultos y niños Requisitos de materiales, diseño, confección, mercado y uso

Belgium: NBN DTD S 65-001 Masques «community» et masques artisanaux – Guide d’exigences minimales, de confection, d’entretien et d’usage

Poland: WYTYCZNE CIOP – PIBCIOP/NO/2020_V.01 Wytyczne CIOP-PIB dla masek niemedycznych przeznaczonych do użytku prywatnego

Great Britain: BSI Flex 5555 Community face coverings


UNI/PdR 90-1 Community face mask – Part 1: requirements, classification and marking

UNI/PdR 90 -2 Community face mask – Part 2: test method

Ireland: NSAI SWiFT 19:2020+AC1:2020 Barrier masks for consumers – Requirements

Portugal: DNP TS C004202007 – Reusable community mask – Level 2 and level 3

Hungary: MSZ 4209:2011 Egészségügyi maszk

Netherlands: NEN Spec 1 – Non-medical mouth nose mask – Recommendations for design, manufacturing process, use and maintenance under COVID-19

Switzerland: Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force – Recommendations for minimal specifications for the community masks for swiss manufacturers

Europe: CEN Workshop Agreement CWA 17553 Community face coverings – Guide to minimum requirements, methods of testing and use