We are pleased to spotlight both our Wildland Fire Roundtable and a limited time discount program for our upcoming Denver conference.
Respiratory Protection Use by Wildland Firefighters and Impacted Community Members
Multiple fatal wildland fires have been documented for over 150 years with the majority of these fires occurring in the western U.S. and Australia. In 2017, the western U.S. suffered one of the most active and devastating wildland fire seasons in recent history. Wildfires that ravaged Northern California in October led to 44 deaths and the destruction of over 8,400 structures, including homes and businesses, making their mark as the most destructive wildfires in California’s history. Then, in early December, the fast-moving Thomas fire swept into the city of Ventura, burning 50,000 acres and forcing 27,000 people to evacuate. Respiratory protective devices are not required for use by wildland firefighters in the U.S., and citizens living in areas impacted by the wildland fire smoke are often concerned about how to properly select and use a respirator.
On September 14, 2017, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced that wildland fire suppression costs had exceeded $2 billion, making fiscal year 2017 the most expensive year on record. When local and state government costs are included, the U.S. spends in excess of $4.5 billion annually to combat wildland fires. Not included is information or cost estimates for illness incurred by firefighters or civilians due to wildland fire exposure.
This round table will provide:
1) background about wildland fire exposure,
2) discussion of the need for surveillance,
3) research into the use of respiratory protective devices, and
4) perspectives from firefighters, citizens, and respirator manufacturers.
More information on the roundtable may be found on the conference website.
Conference Registration Limited Time Discount
Until 31 August our early bird rates have returned, subject to specific terms and conditions*. The Full Conference, Non-Member registration is available at $1,080; a $120 discount when using the coupon code ‘L9DENNM120’. The Full Conference, Member registration is available at $899; a $100 discount when using the coupon code ‘M8DENM100’. Also for those attending the conference we are offering bragging rights and a special mystery prize (~$20 value) to the person who refers the most people to register for the conference. Just ask the person registering to send a short email to Denver.registration@isrp.com with your name. This only applies to registrations after 21 August.
*Discount is available to those new registrations as of 5:00 PM EDT 21 AUG 2018. We cannot offer this discount to those whom have already registered. The discount is limited to 10 registrations for the non-member code and 35 registrations for the member code. This discount will end on 31 August.