The International Society for Respiratory Protection

pdf Alexis Hammer, G. Mathers Popular

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Military Respiratory Protection 

Alexis Hammer, G. Mathers

Chemical and Biological Defense Sector, DERA Porton Down, Protection & Decontamination Salisbury, Wilts SP4 0JQ, UK

pdf Arthur T. Johnson, W. H. Scott Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1261 downloads

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Comparison of Treadmill Exercise Performance Times for Several Types of Respirators 

Arthur T. Johnson, W. H. Scott

Biological Resources Engineering and Kinesiology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

pdf Avula Sreenath Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1336 downloads

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Statistical Investigation of Accelerating Quantitative Fit Testing of Respirators 

Avula Sreenath

TSI Inc., 500 Cardigan Road, Shore View, MN 55126, USA

pdf B. Mahan, R. Smith Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1250 downloads

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Respirator Programs from the User's Point of View

B. Mahan, R. Smith

International Chemical Workers Union Council, Center for Worker Health & Safety Education, 329 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, USA

pdf Barrie Bancroft Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1245 downloads

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Dead Space Measurement in RPE- European Test House Results, Problems and Solutions 

Barrie Bancroft

Health and Safety Laboratory, Broad Lane Sheffield, S37HQ, UK

pdf Bob Rajan Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1301 downloads

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Asbestos and Performance of Respirators 

Bob Rajan

Directorate of Science and Technology (DST E3), Magdalen House Bootle, Merseyside L20 3QZ, UK

pdf Bob Rajan Popular

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Protection Factor Studies on Fullface Mask Respirators 

Bob Rajan

Directorate of Science and Technology (DST E3), Magdalen House Bootle, Merseyside L20 3QZ, UK

pdf Christopher Coffey, Z Zhuang, D. Campbell Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1360 downloads

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The Efficacy of the Bitrex Qualitative Fit Test Method with N95 Filtering- Facepiece Respirators 

Christopher Coffey, Z Zhuang, D. Campbell

NIOSH/DRDS Laboratory Research Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road, Mailstop H-117, Morgantown, WV 26505-2888, USA

pdf Cliff F. Crutchfield, R. K. Campbell Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1348 downloads

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Effect of Eyewear Inserts on the Measured Fit of Military Gas Masks 

Cliff F. Crutchfield, R. K. Campbell

355th Medical Group/SGPB, Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 85707, USA

pdf D. M. Caretti, C. M. Grove, K. S. Cohen Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1263 downloads

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Respirator Design Tools for the Next Millennium 

D. M. Caretti, C. M. Grove, K. S. Cohen

U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical & Biological Center, 5183 Blackhawk Rd., APG, MD 21010- 5424, USA

pdf Dale Pfriem Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1365 downloads

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A Model for the Utilization of Independent Testing Laboratories for NIOSH Certification of Respiratory Protective Devices 

Dale Pfriem

ICS Laboratories, 1072 Industrial Parkway - North Brunswick, Ohio 44256, USA

pdf David M. Caretti, W. H. Scott, A. T. Johnson Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1319 downloads

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Respirator Design and Communications Effectiveness: How Important is a Speech Transmission Device 

David M. Caretti, W. H. Scott, A. T. Johnson

U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical & Biological Center, 5183 Blackhawk Rd., APG, MD 21010- 5424, USA

pdf Dennis W. Grose, R. O. Young, J. M. Hale, D. L. Campbell, B. T. Day, W. A. Hoffman Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1273 downloads

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Surveillance of Respirator Use and Programs 

Dennis W. Grose, R. O. Young, J. M. Hale, D. L. Campbell, B. T. Day, W. A. Hoffman

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1095 Willowdale Rd., Morgantown, WV 26505-2888, USA

pdf Esther Krasner Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1309 downloads

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The First Responder's Needs 

Esther Krasner

Israel Ministry of Defense Head, NBC Protection Division, Tel-Aviv, Israel

pdf G. J. Bostock Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1252 downloads

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ILEE — The European Experience 

G. J. Bostock

3M United Kingdom plc., Heighington Lane, Aycliffe Co. Durham DL56AF, England

pdf Göran Berndtsson Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1198 downloads

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Harmonizing Standards in a Shrinking World 

Göran Berndtsson

Safety Equipment Australia Pty. Ltd. Private Bag 1001 Warriewood, NSW 2103, Australia

pdf Grant Richardson Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1264 downloads

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A System for the Remote Acquisition of Respirator Protection Factors 

Grant Richardson

Chemical and Biological Defense Sector, DERA Porton Down, Protection & Decontamination Salisbury, Wilts SP4 0JQ, UK

pdf Grant Richardson Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1301 downloads

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An Improved High Sensitivity Sodium Flame Photometer for Determining the Protection Factors Provided by Military Respirators 

Grant Richardson

Chemical and Biological Defense Sector, DERA Porton Down, Protection & Decontamination Salisbury, Wilts SP4 0JQ, UK

pdf H Jager, M. J. van de Voorde, J. J. G. M. van Bokhoven Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1277 downloads

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A New Principle For an End of Service Life Indicator 

H Jager, M. J. van de Voorde, J. J. G. M. van Bokhoven

TNO-Prins Maurits Laboratory Rijswijk, The Netherlands

pdf H. Shigematsu Yamada Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1181 downloads

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Ozone Removing Ability of Washable Filers after Repeatedly Use and Washing 

H. Shigematsu Yamada

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Mail, Stop H-117, 1095 Willowdale Road Morgantown, WV 26505-2888, USA

pdf Hajime Hori, T. Ishidao, S. Ishimatsu, K. Arashidani Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1127 downloads

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Detection of Breakthrough of Organic Vapors in a respirator Cartridge Using a Semiconductor Sensor 

Hajime Hori, T. Ishidao, S. Ishimatsu, K. Arashidani

Department of Environmental Management, School of Health Sciences University of Occupational and Environmental Health,1-1 Iseigasks, Yahatanishitu Kitakyushu 801- 8555, Japan 

pdf J. A. Hern, S. J. Smith Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1284 downloads

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Non- Destructive Testing of Collective Protection Carbon Filters 

J. A. Hern, S. J. Smith 

3M Canada 1360 California Ave., P.O. Box 665 Brockville, Ontario K6V2E4, Canada

pdf Jacques W. Forrest Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1133 downloads

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Industrial Protection: Making Respiratory Protection User Friendly 

Jacques W. Forrest

Centurion Safety Products Ltd., 21, Howlett Way, Thetford, IP241HZ, England

pdf James A. Genovese Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1234 downloads

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Response to Chemical/Biological (CB) Incidents: Sizing up the Hazards 

James A. Genovese

CB Counter Terrorism Team, U.S. Army SBCCOM Attn: SCBRD- RTB, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Edgewood, MD 21010, USA

pdf James S. Johnson, K. L. Foote, R. A. da Roza Popular

In 1999 - Pittsburgh, USA 1196 downloads

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Simulated Workplace Protection Factor Results for a Variety of Powered-Air Purifying and Supplied-Air Respirator Configurations — A Model for Setting “Respirator Type” APFs 

James S. Johnson, K. L. Foote, R. A. da Roza

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory/L-379, P.O. Box 808 Livermore, CA 94550, USA