Journal of The International Society for Respiratory Protection
About the Journal
The Journal of the ISRP has been published regularly since 1984, and is published twice a year. Since 2002, the journal has also been published on-line, along with the printed version. To date, almost 100 issues of the journal have been compiled, printed and distributed to members. This means hundreds of research papers and articles over some 4,500 pages. All journals have been scanned and are available electronically to members.
Starting with Volume 41, No. 2, 2024 all new journal articles are open access.
Past Issues are only available to members, and requires members to Log In to access the Journal. Abstracts and Open Access articles are available to Public.
Next-Generation Custom-Fit Reusable Respiratory Protective Device with Continuous Fit Monitoring – Part III: 3D Printing of Prototypes and Evaluation
Sungmee Park, Yuanqing Tian, Michael Bergman, Jonisha Pollard, Ziqing Zhuang, and Sundaresan Jayaraman