The International Society for Respiratory Protection

pdf Noam Gavriely, MD, DSc Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1059 downloads

Criteria for Use of Passive Respiratory Protection Devices by the General Public

Noam Gavriely, MD, DSc

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

pdf Noam Gavriely, MD, DSc Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1045 downloads

Mass Balance Mathematical Model of Gas Exchange with CBRN Protection Devices

Noam Gavriely, MD, DSc

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

pdf Norikazu Kurano, Meguru Inai and Hiroshi Yamada Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 994 downloads

Types of Gas Respirators Most Widely Used in Japan

Norikazu Kurano, Meguru Inai and Hiroshi Yamada

Shigematsu Works Co., Ltd., 267 Yashita, Iwatsuki, Saitama 339-0046, Japan

pdf Piotr Pietrowski Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1063 downloads

Protection Properties of Electret Materials during Liquid Aerosol Filtration

Piotr Pietrowski

Head of RPE Department, Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute, LODZ 90-133, POLAND

pdf Richard W. Metzler Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1233 downloads

CBRN Respirator Standards Development in the United States

Richard W. Metzler

Director,NIOSH/National Personal Protective Technology, Laboratory P.O.Box 18070, 626, Cockrans Mill Road, Pittsburgh,PA 15236, USA

pdf Robert Rajan-Sithamparanadarajah Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1164 downloads

An Innovative Approach for Respiratory Exposure Hazard Control

Robert Rajan-Sithamparanadarajah

Health and Safety Executive,, Magdalen House, Trinity Road, Bootle L20 3QZ,United Kingdom

pdf Robert Rajan-Sithamparanadarajah Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1031 downloads

Workplace Performance Assessment of Activated Charcoal Filters

Robert Rajan-Sithamparanadarajah

Health and Safety Executive, Magdalen House, Trinity Road, Bootle L20 3QZ,United Kingdom

pdf Robert Rajan-Sithamparanadarajah Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1028 downloads

Human Factors and Respiratory Protective Devices in the Workplace

Robert Rajan-Sithamparanadarajah

Health and Safety Executive, Magdalen House, Trinity Road, Bootle L20 3QZ,United Kingdom

pdf Robin Howie Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1024 downloads

Performance Requirements for a Light-Weight Filter Self-Rescue Device

Robin Howie

Robin Howie Associates, Edinburgh, UK

pdf Robin Howie Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 987 downloads

Historical Data on Breathing Rates

Robin Howie

Robin Howie Associates, Edinburgh, UK

pdf Robin Howie Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 980 downloads

Assessment of the Validity of QnFT in Selecting RPE

Robin Howie

Robin Howie Associates, Edinburgh, UK;

pdf Ronald Heus and John Willems Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 960 downloads

Evaluation of The Respicon-1 on Physical Performance

Ronald Heus and John Willems

TNO Industrial Technologies, Eindhoven, NL5600HE, The Netherlands

pdf Satoshi Kuriyama, Akihiro Sato, Takeshi Honda, Kousuke Nozaki and Kazushi Kimura Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 977 downloads

Performance of Breath-Synchronized PAPR (1)

Satoshi Kuriyama, Akihiro Sato, Takeshi Honda, Kousuke Nozaki and Kazushi Kimura

Hanno Laboratory, Koken ltd, 568 Kawadera, Hanno, Saitama 357-0044, Japan

pdf Shigenori Ishimura Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1105 downloads

Measures against PCDDs in Waste Incineration Facilities for Repair Works

Shigenori Ishimura

pdf ShuQi Cai, Ran Huo and Jing Wang Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1010 downloads

Analysis of C.W.P Complicated with Nosocomial Pulmonary Infections

ShuQi Cai, Ran Huo and Jing Wang

Branch of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases Group of Health Care, Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, No.27 North Road of Shilong MenTouGou District, Beijing 102300, China

pdf Sven van der Gijp and Leo Steenweg Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1070 downloads

Respirator Performance During Military Field Trials

Sven van der Gijp and Leo Steenweg

TNO PML, Lange Kleiweg 137, P.O.Box 45, 2280 AA Rijswijk, The Netherlands

pdf Sven van der Gijp, Coen van Gulijk and Rutger Gaasbeek Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1026 downloads

Establishing Air Flow Patterns inside Respiratory Protection Devices

Sven van der Gijp, Coen van Gulijk and Rutger Gaasbeek

TNO PML, Lange Kleiweg 137, P.O.Box 45, 2280 AA Rijswijk, The Netherlands

pdf Takeji Takei Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1063 downloads

Response and Preparedness against Terrorism Attacks by Fire Fighters in Japan

Takeji Takei

Director, Ambulance, Rescue and International Cooperation Division, Fire and Disaster Management Agency, 2-1-2, Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo ,Japan

pdf Takeshi Honda, Satoshi Kuriyama, Hisashi Yuasa, Kazushi Kimura, Hitoshi Emi, Kousuke Nozaki and Shigeru Tanaka Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 956 downloads

Performance of Breath-Synchronized PAPR (2)

Takeshi Honda, Satoshi Kuriyama, Hisashi Yuasa, Kazushi Kimura, Hitoshi Emi, Kousuke Nozaki and Shigeru Tanaka

Hanno Laboratory, Koken ltd, 568 Kawadera, Hanno, Saitama 357-0044, Japan
Jumonji Univ. 

pdf Tamar Miller, Esther Krasner, Uri Alon Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1029 downloads

Civilian Protective System - CAPS 2000

Tamar Miller, Esther Krasner, Uri Alon

IMOD - NBC Protection Division, Hakirya, Tel Aviv, 61909, Israel.
DEA R&D, Merkaz Sapir, Givat Shaul, P.O.Box 35242, Jerusalem, Israel.

pdf Toshihiko Myojo, Mitsumasa Sugimoto Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1100 downloads

Comparative Study of Respirator Fit-Testing Instruments Using Ambient Aerosols

Toshihiko Myojo, Mitsumasa Sugimoto

National Institute of Industrial Health, Nagao, Tama, Kawasaki, Japan, 214-8585

pdf Toshihiko Myojo, Seiichiro Kanno, Tsuguo Takano, Kuniaki Matsunobu, Kyoichi Shono Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 978 downloads

An End-of-Service-Life Indicator for Small Gas Cartridges Using Window of Detecting Reagent

Toshihiko Myojo, Seiichiro Kanno, Tsuguo Takano, Kuniaki Matsunobu, Kyoichi Shono

National Institute of Industrial Health, Nagao, Tama, Kawasaki, Japan, 214-8585

pdf William Newcomb Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1054 downloads

A Summary of OSHA’s Assigned Protection Factor Proposal

William Newcomb

NIOSH, National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, 626 Cochrans Mill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236, USA

pdf William Newcomb Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1046 downloads

Total Inward Leakage of Respirators and Other Personal Protective Equipment

William Newcomb

NIOSH, National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, 626 Cochrans Mill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236, USA

pdf Wolfgang Drews Popular

In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1117 downloads

Respiratory Protective Devices within ISO/TC 94/SC 15 -A New Approach-

Wolfgang Drews

Draeger Safety, Revalstr.1, 23560 Luebeck, Germany